Our retail shop is currently open Monday through Friday by appointment only. Please call or text 419-577-6926 to let us know when you would like to stop in. We do offer pick up and home delivery. Let us know your questions or custom orders.

Our retail shop is currently open Monday through Friday by appointment only. Please call or text 419-577-6926 to let us know when you would like to stop in. We do offer pick up and home delivery. Let us know your questions or custom orders.

Schaerer Ambiente 15 SO Power Steam Automatic Espresso Machine

Schaerer Ambiente 15 SO Power Steam Automatic Espresso Machine

Excellent like new condition.

Ambiente Espresso Machine, super automatic, dual boilers, auto shut off steam wand with built in tem sensor, heats up to 32 oz./1 liter of milk per min., up to 120 shots per hour, push button operation, automatic grinding, tamping & shot dispensing, digital display, dual integrated grinders/hoppers, 5 min. automated cleaning cycle, 208V, 1ph, 30A, drain line required,

This unit has been thoroughly cleaned inside and out. Augers cleaned, chutes cleaned, Etc.

This unit was removed from a Local County office. Used sparingly as condition shows. 


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